We are always looking for talented and collaborative undergraduate students, graduate students, visiting research scholars, and postdoctoral fellows.
If you are looking for a postdoctoral position please send an email to Ana Diaz Artiles (adartiles@tamu.edu) with a short description of what you have worked on, what projects you would like to work on, and what your career goals are.
Graduate Students
If you are currently a Texas A&M University graduate student looking for a lab, please email Dr. Diaz Artiles so we can meet in person. Include the line “PhD 20xx [insert year]” in the subject of email.
If you are looking for a graduate position for next year (either M.S. or Ph.D.) and you are not at Texas A&M, you will need to apply to the university graduate aerospace engineering program. Applications are through the Engineering CAS system.
Undergraduate Students
If you are an undergraduate student at Texas A&M, please send Dr. Diaz Artiles an email with your prior experience and unofficial transcripts. Also include a short paragraph indicating your motivation and the desired level of effort (number of credits).