- Josan P., K., Dutta P., Abbott, R., Martin, A., Dunbar B., J., Wong, R., K., W., Selva, D., Diaz-Artiles, A., “Virtual Assistant for Spacecraft Anomaly Resolution: Effects on Human Performance Metrics”. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. Dec, 2024. doi: 10.2514/1.I011449.
- S. Y. Zaman, M. Fois, S. Scarsoglio, L. Ridolfi, and A. Diaz-Artiles, “The autonomic response to 60-minute head down tilt exposure”, European Low Gravity Research Association Biennial Symposium, Liverpool, UK, Sep. 3-6, 2024.
- S. Y. Zaman, M. Fois, S. Scarsoglio, L. Ridolfi, and A. Diaz-Artiles, “The Effect Of 60-Minute Head-Down Tilt On The Cross-Sectional Area Of The Internal Jugular Vein,” Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, May 5-9, 2024.
- Fois, M., Diaz-Artiles, A., Zaman, S.Y., Ridolfi, L., and Scarsoglio, S., “Linking cerebral hemodynamics and ocular microgravity-induced alterations through an in silico-in vivo head-down tilt framework”. npj Microgravity 10, 22 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-024-00366-8
- Proceedings of the 2024 NASA Human Research Program Investigators Workshop (February 13-16):
- Diaz-Artiles, A., Keller, N., Weinrich, M., Abbott, R., Wright, T., Dunbar, B., and Kennedy, D., “Bimanual Coordination During Partial Gravity in Parabolic Flight: Preliminary Results”. Presentation
- Selva, D., Dutta, P., Josan, P. K., Dunbar, B., Wong, R., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution in Long-Duration Exploration Missions: Overview of Results So Far and Next Steps”. Presentation.
- Kluis, L., Wynn, C., Kennedy, D., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Utilizing Machine Learning to Predict Metabolic Cost with Varying Speeds, Inclines, and Gravity Levels”. Presentation.
- Diaz-Artiles, A., Whittle, R. S., Keller, N., Hall, E., Zaman, S., Vellore, H., Patanam, S., and Dunbar, B., “Cardiovascular and Ocular Gravitational Dose-Response Curves and Effects of Countermeasures”. Presentation.
- Vellore, H., Diaz-Artiles, A., and Galvan-Garza, R., “Using Computational Physiological Modeling to Develop a Robust Dataset for Development of Human Assessment Algorithms”. Poster.
- Abbott, R., Miller, A., Martin, D., Miller, C., Lytle, J., Laurie, S., Lee, S., Diaz-Artiles, A., and Macias B., “Semi-Automatic Extraction of Internal Jugular Vein Pressure Using Sonography Compression”. Poster.
- Zaman, S., Fois, M., Scarsoglio, S., Ridolfi, L., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Cardiovascular and Ocular Changes Observed During 60 Minutes of Head-Down Tilt”. Poster.
- Whittle, R. S., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Computational Modeling of Cardiovascular Dose-Response Curves in Altered-Gravity”. Poster.
- Robin, A., Zaman, Y., Navasiolava, N., Custaud, M., Zawieja, D., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Effect of Deconditioning on Gravitational Dose-Response Curves for Cardiovascular and Ocular Variables in a Tilt Paradigm”. Poster.
- Seidler, R., Wegner, C., Diaz-Artiles, A., Domingo, C., and Allen, J., “B-SURE: Boosting Spaceflight Underrepresented Researcher Equity, a TRISH Diversity Partnership”. Poster.
- Abbott, R., Bell, S., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Protecting Astronaut Behavioral Health Using Nature Presented with Multisensory Virtual Reality”. Poster.
- Kennedy, D., Neto, O., Weinrich, M., Keller, N., Abbott, R., Wright, T., Dunbar, B., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “EMG-EMG Wavelet Coherence of Muscle Coupling During Bimanual Tasks Performed in Parabolic Flight”. Poster.
- Josan, P. K., Dutta, P., Dunbar, B., Wong, R., Selva, D., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Results from HERA Analog Testing of a Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution”. Poster.
- Dutta, P., Diaz-Artiles, A., Dunbar, B., Wong, R., Selva, D., and Josan, P. K., “Effect of Agent Accuracy, Confidence, and Transparency on the Evolution of Trust in AI-Assisted Anomaly Diagnosis”. Poster.
- Gangeme, A., Simpson, B., De La Torre, G., Larose, T., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “A Comprehensive Look Behind Team Composition for Long Duration Spaceflight”. Journal of Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. June, 2023. 95:457-465.
- Proceedings of the 2023 NASA Human Research Program Investigators Workshop (February 7-9):
- Selva, D., Dutta, P., Josan, P. K., Dunbar, B. J., Wong, R. K. W., and Diaz-Artiles, Ana, “Virtual Assistant for Anomoly Resolution in Long Duration Exploration Missions: Preliminary Results and Next Steps“. Presentation.
- Keller, N., Kennedy, D. M., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Cardiovascular and Neuromotor Responses to Orthostatic Challenge“. Poster.
- Kennedy, D. M., Keller, N., Weinrich, M. M., Wang, Y., Abbott, R., Wright, T., Dunbar, B. J., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Bimanual Coordination During Partial Gravity: Preparations for Parabolic Flight and Preliminary Results“. Poster
- Diaz-Artiles, A., Whittle, R. S., Keller, N., Hall, E., and Dunbar, B. J., “Predicting Acute Cardiovascular and Ocular Changes Due to Tilt, LBNP, and Centrifugation: Status Report and Next Steps“. Poster.
- Whittle, R. S., Nathan, K., Dunbar, B. J., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Male and Female Cardiovascular Response to Lower Body Negative Pressure“. Poster.
- Abbott, R. and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Leveraging Olfactory Stimuli and Virtual Reality to Enhance Behavioral Health and Performance“. Poster.
- Dutta, P., Josan, P. K., Dunbar, B. J., Wong, R. K. W., Diaz-Artiles, A., and Selva, D., “Effects of Explanations by Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution Tasks in Long Duration Exploration Missions“. Poster.
- Whittle, R. S. and Diaz-Artiles, Ana, “Gravitational effects on carotid and jugular characteristics in graded head-up and head-down tilt“. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985) 2023, 134:217-229.
- Keller, N. W., Whittle, R. S., McHenry, N., Johnson, A., Duncan, C., Ploutz-Snyder, L., De La Torre, G., Sheffield-Moore, M., Chamitoff, G., Diaz-Artiles, A., “Virtual Reality ‘Exergames’: A Promising Countermeasure to Improve Motivation and Restorative Effects During Long Duration Spacfelight Missions“. Frontiers in Physiology, 2022. 13:932425. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.932425.
- Abbott, R and Diaz-Artiles, Ana, “Application of Virtual Reality with Additional Sensory Stimuli for Astronaut Behavioral Health“. In Proceedings of Workshop on SpaceCHI 2.0: Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration (SpaceCHI ’22). ACM, New Orleans, LA, USA. 2022.
- Kluis, L., Patel, R., Thompson, W., Lewandowski B., Diaz-Artiles, A., “The Impact of Stance during Heel Raises on the Hybrid Ultimate Lifting Kit (HULK) Device: A Future Microgravity Exercise Machine”. Frontiers in Physiology.
2022. DOI 10.3389/fphys.2022.943443 - Abbott (Woodruff), R. and Diaz-Artiles, A., “The Impact of Digital Scents on Behavioral Health in a restorative virtual reality Evironment”. Acta Astronautica, vol. 197, pp 145-153, Aug. 2022. doi: 10.1016/jactaastro.2022.05.025.
- Van Cutsem J., Abeln V., Schneider S., Keller N., Diaz-Artiles A., Ramallo M., Dessy E., Pattyn N., Ferlazzo F.; De La Torre, G. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Human Psychology and Physical Activity; A Space Analog Research Perspective”. International Journal of Astrobiology 21(1), 32-45, 2022.
- Pouwels C., McHenry N., Gomez I. , Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Applications of Augmented Reality for Extravehicular Activity: Field Results from the Implementation of SCOUT Assistant on EVA Spacesuits”. 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France, 18-22 September, 2022.
- De la Torre G.G., Ceballos D., Huertas L., Gonzalez-Torre S., Ramallo M.A., Larose T., Dobrovolna J., Avila-Rauch C., Abbott R., Diaz-Artiles A. “Astroland, a New Cave Space Analog Experience to Investigate Human Performance in Isolated and Confined Environments”. 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France, 18-22 September, 2022.
- Kluis, L., Kennedy, D., Hubbard, J., and Diaz-Artiles, A., “Design of the Portable Offloading for Walking, Exercise, and Running (POWER) Device.” 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems. Minneapolis MN. July 10-14. 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/2346/89826
- McHenry N., Mayorga K.A., Gomez III I., Brady L., Carrera M., Vive J., Mustafa, J., Cana E., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Adaptive Navigation for Lunar Surface Operation Using Deep Learning and Holographic Telepresence”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 5-12 Mar, 2022.
- Whittle, R.S., Keller, N., Hall, E.A., Vellore, H.S., Stapleton, L.M., Findlay, K.H., Dunbar, B.J., Diaz-Artiles, A. “Gravitational dose response curves for acute cardiovascular hemodynamics in a tilt paradigm.” Journal of the American Heart Association (2022). In Press. https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.121.024175.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Whittle R.S., Real Fraxedas F., Hall E., Vellore H., Dunbar B.J. “Gravitational Dose-Response Curves During Tilt, LBNP, and Centrifugation”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Whittle R.S., Keller N., Hall E., Vellore H., Stapleton L., Findlay K., Dunbar B., Diaz-Artiles A. “Hemodynamic and Autonomic Response of the Cardiovascular System to Tilt: Gravitational Dose-Response Curves”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Real Fraxedas F., Whittle R.S., Diaz-Artiles A. “Modeling Gravitational Dose-Response Curves during Tilt, LBNP, and Centrifugation”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Keller N., Abbott R., Davis M., Wang Y., Wright T., Dunbar B., Kennedy D., Diaz-Artiles A. “Modeling Work on Bimanual Coordination in Altered Gravity”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Kluis L., Diaz-Artiles A. “A Methodology for Analyzing and Improving EVA Performance”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Abbott R., and Diaz-Artiles A. “Impact of Virtual Nature with Olfactory Stimuli on Astronaut Behavioral Health”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Selva D., Josan P., Dutta P., Abbott R., Viros i Martin A., York K., Dunbar B., Wong R., Diaz-Artiles A. “Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution in Long Duration Exploration Missions: Baseline Effects on Performance, Cognitive Workload, and Situational Awareness”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Dutta P., Kaur Josan P., Viros A., York K., Abbott R., Dunbar B.J., Wong R., Diaz-Artiles A., Selva D. “Virtual Assistants for Anomaly Treatment – Lessons Learned and path Forward”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Josan P., Dutta P., Abbott R., Viros A., York K., Dunbar B.J., Wong R., Selva D, Diaz-Artiles A. “Results from First Laboratory Testing of Virtual Assistant Daphne-AT”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 7-10 Feb, 2022.
- Diaz-Artiles, A., Wang Y., Davis M.M., Abbott R., Keller K., Kennedy D.M. “The Influence of Altered-Gravity on Bimanual Coordination: Retention and Transfer.” Frontiers in Physiology 12:794705 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.794705.
- Petersen, L.G., Whittle, R.S., Lee, J.H., Sieker, J., Carlson, J., Finke, C., Shelton, C.M., Petersen, J.C.G., Diaz-Artiles, A. “Gravitational effects on intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure.” Journal of Applied Physiology 132:24-35, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00546.2021.
- Whittle, R.S., Stapleton, L.M., Petersen, L.G., Diaz-Artiles, A. “Indirect measurement of absolute cardiac output during exercise in simulated altered gravity is highly dependent on the method.” Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10877-021-00769-y.
- Davis L., McHenry N., Carrera M., Brady L., Mayorga K., Balthazor B., Gomez I., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Remote Virtual Whiteboard Assistance for Improving Task Completion During Lunar Surface Operations”. Virtual Reality 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-021-00596-1.
- Bagher P., Bloomfield S., Diaz Artiles A., Custaud M-A., “Proceedings of the 2021 ISGP Meeting”:
- Woodruff R., Davis M.M., Wang Y., Wright T., Dunbar B.J., Kennedy D., Diaz-Artiles A. “Effect of centrifuge generated altered-gravity on bimanual coordination“
- Whittle R.S., Keller N., Stapleton L.M., Hall E.A., Dunbar B.J., Diaz-Artiles A. “Acute gravitational dose-response curves in hemodynamic and ocular variables induced by tilt”
- Wang Y., Davis M., Woodruff R., Wright T., Dunbar B.J., Diaz-Artiles A., Kennedy D.M. “Integrated feedback displays to facilitate bimanual coordination in simulated microgravity”
- Kennedy D.M., Davis M., Woodruff R., Wang Y., Wright T., Dunbar B.J., Diaz-Artiles A. “The influence of altered-gravity on bimanual force coordination”
- Davis M., Wang Y., Woodruff R., Wright T., Dunbar B.J., Diaz-Artiles A., Kennedy D.M. “The influence of perceptual constraints on bimanual force coordination in simulated microgravity”
- Kluis L., Gillaspie C., Diaz-Artiles A. “A review of ambulation energy expenditure in hypogravity analogs”
- Kluis L. and Diaz-Artiles A. “Revisiting decompression sickness risk and mobility in the context of the SmartSuit, a hybrid planetary spacesuit”. NPJ Microgravity 7, 46 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-021-00175-3.
- Abbott (Woodruff) R., Duncan C., Robledo D., Diaz-Artiles A. “Multi-Sensory Virtual Reality Environment for the Maintenance of Long-Term Behavioral Health”. 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October, 2021.
- Whittle R.S., Lee J., Sieker J., Petersen J.C.G., Petersen L.G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Modeling changes in intraocular pressure associated with the physiological response to changes in the gravitational vector”. Aerospace Medical Association’s 91st Annual Scientific Meeting (AsMA), Denver, CO, August 29-Sept 2, 2021.
- Kluis L., Keller N., Iyengar N, Bai H., Shepherd R., Diaz-Artiles A. “An Overview of the SmartSuit Architecture”. 50th International Conference of Environmental Systems – ICES 2021, Online, 12-14 July, 2021.
- Diaz-Artiles A. and Karmali F. “Vestibular precision at the level of perception, eye movements, posture, and neurons.” Neuroscience (2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.05.028.
- Whittle R.S. and Diaz-Artiles A. “Modeling Individual Differences in Cardiovascular Response to Gravitational Stress using a Sensitivity Analysis”. Journal of Applied Physiology 2021, 130: 1983-2001, doi: https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00727.2020.
- Kluis L., Keller N., Bai H., Iyengar N., Shepherd R., Diaz-Artiles A. “Reducing Metabolic Cost During Planetary Ambulation Using Robotic Actuation”. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2021, 92 (7): 570-578, https://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.5754.2021.
- Belobrajdic B., Melone K., Diaz-Artiles, A. “Planetary Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Risk Mitigation Strategies for Long Duration Space Missions”. NPJ Microgravity 7, 16 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-021-00144-w.
- Davis M.M., Wang Y., Woodruff R., Diaz-Artiles A., Kennedy D.M. “The influence of gravity on in-phase coordination” 2021 North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Virtual Conference, June 9-11, 2021.
- Kluis, L., Rieber, T., Dolick, K., Newby, N. “A Methodology for Obtaining Human and Spacesuit Kinematics from
IMU data in OpenSim”. 59th Safe Symposium. Mobile, AL. 2021. - Josan P.K., Dutta P., Woodruff R., Beebe N., York K., Balcells-Quintana O., Kluis L., Viros Martin A., Dunbar B.J., Wong R.K.W., Selva D., Diaz-Artiles A. “Experimental Design & Pilot Testing for ECLSS Anomaly Resolution Using Daphne-AT Virtual Assistant”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Online, 6-13 Mar, 2021.
- Woodruff R., Beebe N., Josan P.K., Wong R.K.W., Dunbar B.J., Selva D., Diaz-Artiles A. “A 3D Interactive Model of HERA to Support ECLSS Anomaly Resolution Using a Virtual Assistant”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Online, 6-13 Mar, 2021.
- Keller N., McHenry N., Duncan C., Johnston A., Whittle R.S., Koock E., Bhattacharya S.S., De la Torre G., Ploutz-Snyder L., Sheffield-Moore M., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Augmenting Exercise Protocols with Interactive Virtual Reality Environments”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Online, 6-13 Mar, 2021.
- Selva D., Dutta P, Josan P.K, York K., Woodruff R., Viros A., Beebe N., Short A., Wong R.K.W., Dunbar B.J., Diaz-Artiles A. “Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution in Long Duration Exploration Missions: First Results and Preparation for HERA Campaign”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 1-4 Feb, 2021
- Diaz-Artiles A., Woodruff R., David M.M., Wang Y., Dunbar B.J., Kennedy D.M. “Bimanual Coordination in Altered Gravity during Parabolic Flight”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 1-4 Feb, 2021.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Whittle R.S., Stapleton L., Dunbar B.J. “Predicting Acute Cardiovascular and Ocular Changes due to Changes in the Gravitational Vector”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Online, 1-4 Feb, 2021.
- Whittle R.S. and Diaz-Artiles A. “An Ecological Study of Socioeconomic Predictors in Detection of COVID-19 Cases across Neighborhoods in New York City”. BMC Medicine (2020), 18:271, doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/
s12916-020-01731-6. - Whittle R.S. “Distance travelled by military recruits during basic training is a significant risk factor for lower limb overuse injury”. BMJ Military Health (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001445.
- Whittle R.S. and Diaz Artiles A. “Metabolic Modeling in Altered-Gravity”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 7-14 Mar, 2020. doi: 1109/AERO47225.2020.9172582.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Shepherd R., Kluis L., Keller N., Bai H., Iyengar N., Audirsch C. “SmartSuit: Hybrid, Intelligent, and Highly Mobile EVA Spacesuit for Next Generation Exploration Missions”. NASA Innovative Advance Concepts (NIAC) – Phase I Final Report, 2020.
- McHenry N., Davis L., Gomez III I., Coute N., Roehrs N., Villagran C., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Design of an AR Visor Display System for Extravehicular Activity Operations”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 7-14 Mar, 2020. doi: 1109/AERO47225.2020.9172268.
- McHenry N., Hunt T., Young W., Gardner A., Bhagavatula U., Bontz B., Chiu J., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Evaluation of Pre-Flight and On Orbit Training Methods Utilizing Virtual Reality”. AIAA SciTech Forum and Expositions, Orlando, FL, 6-10 Jan, 2020. doi: 10.2514/6.2020-0168.
- Dutta P., Viros Martin A., Whittle R.S., Dunbar B., Wong R.K.W., Diaz-Artiles A., Selva D. “Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Treatment in Long Duration Exploration Missions”. AIAA SciTech Forum and Expositions, Orlando, FL, 6-10 Jan, 2020. doi: 10.2514/6.2020-2255.
- Josan P.K., Dutta P., Viros Martin A., Balcells O., Beebe N., Kluis L., Woodruff R.., York K., Dunbar B.J., Wong R.K.W., Selva D., Diaz-Artiles A. “Experimental Design and Preliminary Testing of the Daphne-AT Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Resolution in Long Duration Exploration Missions”. ASCEND 2020, Online, 16-18 Nov, 2020.
- Whittle R.S. and Diaz Artiles A. “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Characterizing the Long Duration Impact of Hypogravity Exposure on the Cardiovascular System”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Keller N., Whittle R.S., McHenry N., Bhattacharya S., Duncan C., Koock E., Ploutz-Snyder L., De la Torre G., Sheffield-Moore M., Chamitoff G., and Diaz Artiles A. “Augmenting Exercise Protocols with Interactive Virtual Reality Environments”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Josan P., Dutta P., Viros A., Beebe N., Balcells O., McCarthy M., Whittle R.S., Dunbar B.J., Selva D., Wong R.K.W., and Diaz Artiles A. “Front-end Development and Experimental Design for a Virtual Assistant in Long Duration Exploration Missions”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Kluis L., Keller N., Bai H., Iyengar N., Audirsch C., Shepherd R., and Diaz Artiles A. “SmartSuit: Next generation Spacesuit for Planetary Exploration”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Lee J., Whittle R.S., Diaz-Artiles A., Sieker J., Petersen J.C.G., Petersen L.G. “Gravitational Effects on Ocular perfusion Pressure”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Selva D., Diaz-Artiles A., Dunbar B.J., Wong R.K.W., Dutta P., Viros Martin A., Beebe N., Balcells Quintana O., McCarthy M., Josan P.K., Whittle R.S. “Virtual Assistant for Anomaly Treatment During Long Duration Exploration Missions”. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 27-30 Jan, 2020.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Heldt T., and Young, L.R. “Computational Model of Cardiovascular Response to Centrifugation and Lower-body Cycling Exercise”. Journal of Applied Physiology 2019, 127: 1453-1468. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00314.2019
- Diaz-Artiles A., Navarro Tichell P., and Perez F. “Cardiopulmonary Responses to Sub-Maximal Ergometer Exercise in a Hypo-Gravity Analog Using Head-Down Tilt & Head-Up Tilt”. Frontiers in Physiology 2019, 10:720. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00720.
- Diaz Artiles A. “Understanding Gravitational Dose Responses on Human Physiological Function using Ground Analogs”. Paving the Road to Living in Space – Asgardia’s First Science and Investment Congress, Darmstadt, Germany, 14-16 October, 2019.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Shepherd R., Kluis L., Keller N., Bai H., Iyengar N., Audirsch C. “SmartSuit: A Hybrid, Intelligent, and Highly Mobile EVA Spacesuit for Next Generation Exploration Missions” (presentation + poster). NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Symposium, Huntsville, AL, 24-26 Sept,
- Davis L., McHenry N., Mishra A., Gomez I., Garza C., Carrera M., Balthazor B., Chamitoff G., Diaz-Artiles A. “Bringing Aerospace to the Classroom”. STEM 4 Innovation Conference for K-12 Education, College Station, TX, 21-22 Feb, 2019.
- Whittle R.S., Alonso D.A., and Diaz Artiles A. “Individual Differences in Cardiovascular Responses to Orthostatic Stress” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2019.
- Perez F., Navarro Tichell P., and Diaz Artiles A. “Cardiopulmonary and Musculoskeletal Responses to Exercise in Hypo-Gravity Environments” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2019.
- Sainz Ubide V. and Diaz Artiles A. “Estimation of Individualized Metabolic Cost during EVA Planetary Exploration” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2019. (Honorable Mention).
- Diaz Artiles A., Sainz Ubide V., Patel R., Thompson W., Lewandowski B. “Biomechanical Modeling of Heel-raise Exercise using the HULK Device” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2019.
- Diaz-Artiles A., Heldt T., and Young, L.R. “Short-Term Cardiovascular Response to Short-Radius Centrifugation with and without Ergometer Exercise”. Frontiers in Physiology 2018, 9:1492. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01492.
- Galvan-Garza, R.C., Clark T.K., Sherwood D., Diaz-Artiles A., Rosenberg M.J., Natapoff A., Karmali F., Oman C.M., Young L.R. “Human Perception of Whole-Body Roll Tilt Orientation in a Hypo-Gravity Analog: Underestimation and Adaptation”. Journal of Neurophysiology 2018, 120, No. 6, 3110-3121. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00140.2018.
- Diaz Artiles A., Schor D. and Clément G. “Effects of Inverted Vision on Hand Pointing Performance in Altered Gravity during Parabolic Flight”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 3-10 Mar, 2018. doi: 10.1109/AERO.2018.8396370.
- Klapper H.M., Jagatia B. and A. Diaz Artiles A. “ ASTRA: Archimedes Screw for Targeted Regolith Aggregation.”. AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL, 17-19 Sept, 2018. doi: 10.2514/6.2018-5186.
- Jagatia B., Klapper H.M. and Diaz Artiles A. “ ICICLE: Ice Core Integrated Calescent Linear Extractor.”. AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL, 17-19 Sept, 2018. doi: 10.2514/6.2018-5363.
- Diaz Artiles A. “Human Performance in Altered-Gravity Environments” (abstract and presentation). 39th ISGP Meeting & ESA Life Sciences Meeting, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands, 18-22 June 2018. doi: 10.3389/conf.fphys.2018.26.00032.
- De La Torre G.G., Vogler A., Stone R.J., Diaz Artiles A., Jorgensen J., Bienertova-Vasku J. “Virtual reality as a countermeasure for physical training in bed rest and artificial gravity conditions” (abstract and presentation). 39th ISGP Meeting & ESA Life Sciences Meeting, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands, 18-22 June 2018. doi: 10.3389/conf.fphys.2018.26.00001.
- Alonso D.A. and Diaz Artiles A. “Understanding Gravitational Effects on the Cardiovascular Systems using a Lumped Parameter model – Sensitivity Analysis” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2018.
- Perez F., Navarro Tichell P., and Diaz Artiles A. “Cardiopulmonary Responses to Exercise in Altered-Gravity Environments” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, 22-25 Jan, 2018.
- Diaz Artiles A., Priesol A., Clark T.K., Sherwood D., Oman C., Young L.R., and Karmali F. “The Impact of Oral Promethazine on Human Whole-Body Motion Perceptual Thresholds.”. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2017, 18 (4): 581-590. doi:10.1007/s10162-017-0622-z.
- De S´a Teixeira N.A., Hecht H., Diaz Artiles A., Seyedmadani K., Sherwood D.P., and Young L.R. “Vestibular stimulation interferes with the dynamics of an internal representation of gravity.”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006) 2017, 70(11):2290-2305. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1231828.
- Larose T.L., Van Baalen M., McAvinia R., Skanke P., Wilder A., and Diaz Artiles A. “Melanoma or Mars? Follow your Moral Compass” (abstract + presentation). European Mars Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-24 Sept, 2017.
- Young L.R., Karmali F., Galvan-Garza R.C., Rosenberg M.J.F., Diaz Artiles A., Oman C.M., Sherwood D., Natapoff A., Kenyon R., and Clark T.K. “Spatial Orientation and Manual Control in Reduced Gravity” (abstract and presentation). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Houston, TX, 23-26 Jan, 2017.
- De S´a Teixeira N.A., Hecht H., Diaz Artiles A., Seyedmadani K., Sherwood D.P., and Young L.R. “Vestibular stimulation interferes with the dynamics of an internal representation of gravity” (abstract and poster). 12th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Oporto, Portugal, 5-6 May, 2017.
- Berg E.W. and Diaz Artiles A. “Exercise in Altered-Gravity for Increased Health during Space Exploration” (abstract and poster). NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Houston, TX, 23-26 Jan, 2017.
Older publications
- Diaz Artiles A., Heldt T., and Young L.R. “Effects of artificial gravity on the cardiovascular system: Computational approach.”. Acta Astronautica 2016, 126 (395-410). doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.05.005
- Diaz Artiles A., Trigg C., Jethani H., Tritchler S., and Newman D.J. “Physiological and comfort assessment of the gravity loading countermeasure skinsuit during exercise”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 5-12 Mar, 2016. doi: 10.1109/AERO.2016.7500630.
- Karmali F., Diaz Artiles A., Galvan-Garza R., Clark T.K., Sherwood D., and Young L.R. “Development of a Countermeasure to Enhance Sensorimotor Adaptation to Altered Gravity Levels.”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 5-12 Mar, 2016. doi: 10.1109/AERO.2016.7500728.
- Diaz A., Heldt T., and Young L.R. “Cardiovascular Responses under Artificial Gravity Combined with Exercise”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 7-14 Mar, 2015. doi: 10.1109/AERO.2015.7118969.
- Diaz A., Trigg C, and Young L.R. “Combining ergometer exercise and artificial gravity in a compact-radius centrifuge.”. Acta Astronautica 2015, 113 (80-88). doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2015.03.034.
- Diaz A. and Young L.R. “Effects of Artificial Gravity on the Cardiovascular System: Computational Approach”. 66th International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 2015.
- Diaz A. and Newman D.J. “Musculoskeletal Human-Spacesuit Interaction Model”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 1-8 Mar, 2014. doi: 110.1109/AERO. 2014.6836247.
- Bosanac N, Diaz A., et al. “Manned Sample Return Mission to Phobos: a Technology Demonstration for Human Exploration of Mars”. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 1-8 Mar, 2014. doi: 10.1109/AERO.2014.6836251.
- Diaz A., Trigg C., and Young L.R. “Combining Ergometer Exercise and Artificial Gravity”. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, September 2014.
- Roche K., Diaz A., and Smith A. “Short-term Readjustment to Gravity after Long Duration Spaceflight”. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, September 2014.
- Gombolay M.C., Wilcox R.J., Diaz A., Yu F., and Shah J.A. “Towards Successful Coordination of Human and Robotic Work using Automated Scheduling Tools: An Initial Pilot Study”. Robotics, Science and Systems (RSS)Human-Robot Collaboration Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 24-28 Jun, 2013.
- Anderson A., Diaz A., Kracik M., Trotti G., Hoffman, J. and Newman D.J. “Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis”. International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, CA, 15-19 Jul, 2012. doi: 10.2514/6.2012-3548. AIAA Best Paper Award (Space and Missiles Group).
- Diaz A., Anderson A., Kracik M., Trotti G., Hoffman J., and Newman D.J. “Development of a comprehensive astronaut spacesuit injury database.”. 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, October 2012.